Friday, July 17, 2009

Why dogs bark ?

"We think a dog is barking because of internal conflict. Especially home dogs bark more often because it is in conflict situations, "said Kathryn Lord from the University of Massachusetts.

This started happening since the start of dog in the vicinity of the trash people on the 8000 to 10,000 years ago. In the framework of evolution, dogs are able to close and overcome human fear. Dogs who fear the man eventually disappear, while the less afraid to get food and survive and bear pinak.

"For a dog who lived in the human environment, they feel a sense of curious and amazed if the need to approach or flee if you see strange beings. This lead to conflict and cause barking, "he said.

In the case of technical research to identify the eight parameters in three categories. In their view, not the barking of communication to convey messages. Bark that does not have meaning and be done with various bianatang different voice.

"Even birds bark also include other mammals, baboon, monkey deer also bark. Overall menggongong if in conflict situations, "says the Lord.

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