Saturday, July 11, 2009

How Much of My Brain Do I Use?

am I still wrong or all of you know about human brain ?, and often use arguments that basically not strong enough. I hear from alot argument that we use 4% our brain capacity only, or 19%, or 3%.

John von Neumann (who was so smart that matematikawan, scientists, engineers, and bureaucrats) Yale University in 1956 had research human brain capacity of thirty five exabyte (one thousand maps exa = = = similiar with a million gigabytes). Large enough - even for the size of the computer era now.

Estimation following years to give different figures. Can be estimated to occur 100 trillion nerve connections between brain cells, and this is considered equivalent to a 42 terabyte capacity. Still quite large, though not the number seseram von Neumann.

Prof. Ralph Merkle of the Georgia Tech offensive in fact that the researchers have not finished preparing the basic assumptions about how the brain can feed the information. Then he proposed the experiment that directly record the capacity of the brain directly. He took the results of some previous studies, and to re-calculus. and the result is impressive. The memory capacity we estimated that only about 200 megabytes. Wow, 256MB flash drive measuring only started wasted because they are too small.

But, though this may (hopefully) we'll throw in ego, the conclusions drawn quite interesting. Brain have special, because she do not like processing and become storage like the computer. The brain is able to perform the memory management of resources so that with the extraordinary capacity we have, he is able to store and process information far more powerful than the computer.
Comment from people :

Yes, however the research is, but the human brain is still far from good, the best. thanks GOD

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