Friday, July 31, 2009

Why Dinosaurus is BIG ?

Dinosaurs that lived millions of years ago can have a very large body. Then why dinosaurs can be so big?

Secret body of dinosaurs are reptiles use this energy for growth. Reptiles are also not using energy to heat the body, compared to other creatures.

Scientists create models to explain how dinosaurs such as the long-necked sauropods may have up to 60 tons weight. Weight is about eight times heavier African elephant, the animals most at the moment.

Main factors that cause the size of a vertebrata is the availability of food and how animals use the energy, said researcher Brian K McNab, paleontologist at the University of Florida.

For example a big elephant can eat grass because of the relatively more available, as compared to a flower essence is consumed by birds or bees.


Many facts about the life of a snake so incredible. Snake is able to survive for months without eating. Snakes can fly with a form letter S. Snake can also take target in the human eye straigthly.

Snakes can survive not eating for months, with how burning fat. Marshall McCue of the University of Arkansas with the research does not provide food to the 62 kinds of snakes for six months.

McCue and colleagues have found snakes are able to reduce metabolic rate to survive, some of them were up to 72%. Stunning even without eating, the snake can still elongate body. "Animals do this to the reduction of energy level is lower," McCue said.

While the snake eat a certain type of children who are not able to survive. Research found, mother snakes eat about 11% of the eggs and the children who died. Why snakes do that? Appeared to survive for the mother.

"Snake Rattlesnake female children take to restore the energy after the birth without the need for hunting, a dangerous activity that requires time and great effort," said Estrella Mocino and Kirk Setser, researchers at the University of Granada in Spain.

While there is a serpent that is capable of eating other snakes that body longer. How do snakes do it? To solve the mystery of the old, Kate Jackson from the University of Toronto and colleagues have an explanation.

In research they found the victim after the snake swallowed, such as the gut is pressed akordion that snakes down to the bottom of the victims and crash. If completed, the rest of the snake will spit-rest.

Snakes that live in the tree can also fly. Snakes that fly to reach the tree beside it more quickly. But it is necessary to fly a special technique.

To get the pressure of flying, snakes must be in a higher place. To get the furthest distance, snakes slim they body movement and make the letter S.

"Movement of the letter S is for stability, and they streamline its rib bones, "said Jake Socha of the University of Chicago.

While the cobra snake that is not visible spit spit. Snakes that its muscular contraction force to remove its poison gland hose up to 2 meters.

If the eye of the neurotoxin can cause blindness in humans. Research in 2005 on the snake was deliberately targeting the eye with they spit. And not only that, the poison can spray out with geometric pattern, so that the right eye. Wow!.

Why Humans blinking they eyes ?

Human eye blink often. To find out why blinking, research done in the eight volunteers with the impression watching the comedy Mr. Bean.

Researchers have found they blinking in the same time. While it does not happen when the background watching the video, or listen to audio books from Harry Potter.

"People are not aware of time searching for the right to blinking, minimizing to lose information," said Dr Tamami Nakano from Tokyo University who is conducting the research.

Winking is done between 100 to 150 milliseconds. And automatically blinking 10 to 15 times in a minute to moisten and to provide oxygen to the cornea.

During blinking, there is no visual input and no light. But people can still consciously recognize things when in the dark.

"Winking sikronisasi required when the object road stories," said Dr Nakano, the founder who publish in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

Dr Nakano choose Rowan Atkinson as the story easy to understand without the need to support voice.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Why dogs bark ?

"We think a dog is barking because of internal conflict. Especially home dogs bark more often because it is in conflict situations, "said Kathryn Lord from the University of Massachusetts.

This started happening since the start of dog in the vicinity of the trash people on the 8000 to 10,000 years ago. In the framework of evolution, dogs are able to close and overcome human fear. Dogs who fear the man eventually disappear, while the less afraid to get food and survive and bear pinak.

"For a dog who lived in the human environment, they feel a sense of curious and amazed if the need to approach or flee if you see strange beings. This lead to conflict and cause barking, "he said.

In the case of technical research to identify the eight parameters in three categories. In their view, not the barking of communication to convey messages. Bark that does not have meaning and be done with various bianatang different voice.

"Even birds bark also include other mammals, baboon, monkey deer also bark. Overall menggongong if in conflict situations, "says the Lord.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

the secret life until 100 years, u want ?

Research has found that by reducing the calories by 30% or up to a little above the level of lack of nutrition can reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer and increase up to half the age of life.

Diet eskstrim it can provide an additional 25 years the average age of UK citizens living that can reach 100 years. Despite the increase in life expectancy that need to cost much.

Each individual must make a special diet, especially of protein susu or corn oil. To create conditions that some level of malnutrition and we need many vitamins and mineral supplements.

Prediction is obtained from the research for 20 years against the monkey is the animal most similar to humans. Research shows that the effect of dietary calories in the health and life expectancy.

Scientists have found a higher power of life with monkey-calorie diet, three times higher than normal. This is believed to apply the same in humans.

The team from the University of Wisconsin has published the findings in the journal Science research started in 1989. Previous to the influence of diet on the rat and the effect on the larger mammals.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Why mourn Michael Jackson?

Pullout of celebrity idol pop stars such as Michael Jackson could cause the Fans consecutive grieve. For many years, studying psychology specialist one-way relationship between the fans with the idol stars

Researchers evaluate the relationship like that caused by the news and media. Other scientists rate, feeling left dead celebrities lose touch it cause human cannot determine the human life and unwilling to be like this .

In a series of research published years ago in the Journal Personal Relationships, University of Buffalo researchers Jaye Derrick and colleagues looked to find a student favorite celebrities as themselves.
Meanwhile, another celebrity is her rate of interest. The first is considered to have high levels of trust, while the second low-level trust.

Even Gayle Stever, psychology professor Empire State College learning a phenomenon Michael Jackson fan for 20 years concluded that the relationship as parasocial relationships.

Relationships can be as strong family relationship or close friend. As a result, the blues left behind Michael Jackson mendalamnya same as left dead by family members.

Stever said the level was not feeling well depending on how the stars. Craig Parker he cite many who do not know he played in the film Lord of the Rings. "Power does not pull the stars associated with itensitasnya," he said.

Monday, July 13, 2009

When Humans Start Eating Fish?

New research shows, that people began to eat the fish in the 40,000 years ago. To reach the conclusion that, scientists analyze the chemical compound of collagen protein in the ancient human skull, from the Tianyuan Cave near Beijing.

Catch fish at the time of the work is heavy. This is seen from the fossil shows a man using a device that has not been adequate, up to 50,000 years ago.

"This analysis provides the first direct evidence that food consumption in the water and life on the implications of demographic and ancient power of human life," said Michael P Richards from Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.

Other researchers think the fish consumption have helped the human brain is greater. Although the protein's Feed the animals ashore about 2 million years ago as a factor that is also important.

Movement is caused by eating fish population is increasing while modern humans began to appear throughout Eurasia. The findings are reported in the play in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

India 250 Year precede "The" Newton

There is a fact that a small undergraduate school located in southwestern India have found a few principles of modern mathematics hundreds of years before Newton says this is a new discovery. is it right ?

Well said Dr George Joseph Gheverghese of the University of Manchester, School of Kerala has identified 'not to train', that is one of the basic components of calculus around the year 1350. Meanwhile, 'attributes' this new calculus introduced Mr. Newton in a book with Mr. Gottfried Leibnitz at the end of the century 17.

The team from Manchester University and Exerter also reveals the success of the Kerala school has founding "array number" and use Pi to calculate Pi to 9, 10, and even up to 17 digits behind the comma.

In addition there is evidence that is not directly stated that the Indian knowledge to teach mathematics to their Jesuit missionaries who visited India in the 15 century. Well according to this knowledge that they finally came to Newton.

Then, when reading the paper, read some of India, Dr. Joseph is also a secret which is then publish it through a book titled "The Crest of the Peacock: the Non-European Roots of Mathematics" which is the third edition book published by Princeton University Press.

He said: "First of modern mathematics is usually seen as a European achievement but the discovery of India in the middle of the century 14 and 16 are often ignored or forgotten."

"Brilliant work from Mr. Newton in the late 17 th century did not wane, especially when the work is related to the calculus algorithm.but name of school Kerala, especially Madhava and Nilakantha, mutually help each other find the other great component of calculus that is array number."

"There are many reasons why the contribution is not recognized schools Kerala. The main reason is the idea that exit from the world's scientis Non-European is not recognized or ignored due to the legacy of European colonialism and the other from the outside. "

"But there is little information about the local language before the era of Kerala, Malayalam. Some of the text and developed in the future, such as Yuktibhasa, where some of the documentation that mathematics is extraordinary. "

Dr. Joseph also added: "For some considerations that can not be suspected, the standard of proof required to acknowledge the spread of knowledge from East to West is greater than the standard of proof required by the spread of knowledge from West to East. The certainty that the state is difficult to imagine a western 500 years as importing knowledge and books from India and the Islamic world. "

Source: University of Manchester

Saturday, July 11, 2009

How Much of My Brain Do I Use?

am I still wrong or all of you know about human brain ?, and often use arguments that basically not strong enough. I hear from alot argument that we use 4% our brain capacity only, or 19%, or 3%.

John von Neumann (who was so smart that matematikawan, scientists, engineers, and bureaucrats) Yale University in 1956 had research human brain capacity of thirty five exabyte (one thousand maps exa = = = similiar with a million gigabytes). Large enough - even for the size of the computer era now.

Estimation following years to give different figures. Can be estimated to occur 100 trillion nerve connections between brain cells, and this is considered equivalent to a 42 terabyte capacity. Still quite large, though not the number seseram von Neumann.

Prof. Ralph Merkle of the Georgia Tech offensive in fact that the researchers have not finished preparing the basic assumptions about how the brain can feed the information. Then he proposed the experiment that directly record the capacity of the brain directly. He took the results of some previous studies, and to re-calculus. and the result is impressive. The memory capacity we estimated that only about 200 megabytes. Wow, 256MB flash drive measuring only started wasted because they are too small.

But, though this may (hopefully) we'll throw in ego, the conclusions drawn quite interesting. Brain have special, because she do not like processing and become storage like the computer. The brain is able to perform the memory management of resources so that with the extraordinary capacity we have, he is able to store and process information far more powerful than the computer.
Comment from people :

Yes, however the research is, but the human brain is still far from good, the best. thanks GOD

Why is sea water salty, but the river water and lake water doesn't ?

Rain water wash the land and into the ditch, river, and lakes, while the salts transport to the sea are dissolved. but the difference in sea water is much older than the water-the other , which is about 4 or 5 billion years old compared to the million years only. Billion during the year have been experiencing water recycling continues, water vapor, which then fall to the land and flows back to sea and bring a new cargo of salt. Cycle that constantly to be sure it continues to increase the salinity in the sea.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Where polar is more cold, north or south?

South poles, with average temperatures around minus 49 degrees centigrade. North Pole in the average temperatures are relatively tame, which is minus 29 degrees centigrade.

Indeed, continental Antarctica, with ice and snow spread over a large land mass, while lump arctic ice that float on the surface of a small arctic Sea. South Pole itself has an altitude of about 3700 meters above the sea surface water, and air in the higher always better cold. Moreover, the surface of the ice and snow is much greater in the south polar radiate heat more quickly once the sun into the contest.

However, there are other factors that make the water does not become hot or cold as easy in the land. that the temperatures in the polar north has never reached the point extremes.

Keep in mind: the north pole is much warmer than the south pole.

Driving Road Left or right ?

Why drive to the country on the left, while in some other country on the right ?

this back to the fact that most people do not lefty.
long before we have the modern weaponry and vehicles, such as gun layers of steel, people went to war to use the sword and horse. So, if we do not lefty, we hang the sword on the left so we can withdraw it quickly using the right hand. but with a sword scabbard, hanging on the left, the only way to the back of horse ride with the foot rest is left to play and ride right foot free to horseback. and unless we the stuntman who advanced to the ride while kebelakang, the head of a horse will ride be facing left. based on this experience up to now still riding horses from the left.

Once back in the horse and spur it, we will remain on the left way, because anyone who comes from the front will be on the right, and if the person is in fact the enemy, we easily draw the sword and cut it, with the right hand. it is always wise equestrian choose to run on the left.

Must run on the left side of the coachman also agreed with the aim that the train does not collide with the equestrian. Later when the train without a horse show, some countries continue this habit, especially during a transition period when both types of vehicles still using the same road.

pic. Country that drive on the left (blue)

Then why in the United States and in many other countries people drive prefer to the right?

When the sword is missing, as bow and arrow, the need to keep running to the left as an effort to self-defense is not absolute anymore, then suddenly agreed to run on the left is not obeyed. Countries and new countries that are not bound by tradition to be the right move, because they seem the most of the lefty does not feel more comfortable on the right way. quick lefty feel that those who insist against lefty is not the act that is not wise.

A special, on the country most people seem equally skilled to use the right hand and left hand, they prefer a section of the road running.