Saturday, August 1, 2009

SmellY Flower Effective Reduce Stress

Some of the aroma is believed capable of reducing the interest level of stress on someone. By choosing appropriate aroma, taste, and depression, stress will be reduced, and able to make someone fall sleep fully.

A research conducted in Japan show that linalool, fragrance of flowers in the usual food and fruit such as orange, grape, mango, basil, and lavender, is believed to reduce levels of stress-related chemicals and changes in mouse genes.

Aroma issued by linalool reduce stress levels, reduce blood pressure and also with a good repair the structure of more than 100 genes cause stress.

Louise Chang, MD, researchers from Japan, recognize if therapy aromatherapy flowers and plants have been performed since the days of old. This habit is done to reduce stress, fight depression and inflammation, and treat people sleeping difficult.

Results of research published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, says, mice given aromatherapy flower linalool drastic changes in blood pressure and the gen-gen in the body. While that is not given linalool aroma, nothing changes at all.

Two levels of stress hormones, ACTH and corticosterone, the rat changes in interest rates after given aromatherapy. This data, if proven effective linalool lower stress levels associated with the body's immune.

Linalool is also believed capable of reducing the activity of 109 genes to three stress levels.

According to Akio Nakamura, researchers from the Technical Research Center in T Hasegawa Co Ltd in Kawasaki-shi, Japan, the results of this research linalool also help to ease the blood sample to identify the negative impact of deodorant.

Want Free Cancer? Full cooked the Carrot!

You Like carrot? If yes, then cook whole carrot. Because carrot that is not process with chopped or cut-piece is able to raise the womb anticancer to be 25% more.

The statement disclosed the results of this research at Newcastle said that should not be chopped carrot first to raise the womb antikanker to be 25% more.

"It looks like things are easy and trivial. But only with the simple way, someone can add a womb for the sake of good health," said Dr Kirsten Brandt, researcher Newcastle's School of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, as quoted from DailyMail.

Brandt and colleagues, Ahlam Rashed, find the fact that the carrot is cooked whole-falcarinol contain natural pesticides, which helps reduce the risk of cancer-25% more than the carrot-cropped cut first.

According to Brandt, a carrot cut surface has a more knowledgeable to come into contact with water. So, it is possible to lose womb carrot nutrition larger if compared with the cook in their entirety. So, first boiled carrot, chopped in accordance with the new taste.

In addition to more nutritious, cook carrots whole cloth to make it taste better. It was evident from the statement 80% of respondents of the survey, involving 100 volunteers. Independent Nutrisionis Dr Carrie Ruxton to respond to these positive results.

"Cooking helps to keep intact uterus carrot nutrition is good news. It is quite better if you can eat raw carrots," pungkas Brandt.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Why Dinosaurus is BIG ?

Dinosaurs that lived millions of years ago can have a very large body. Then why dinosaurs can be so big?

Secret body of dinosaurs are reptiles use this energy for growth. Reptiles are also not using energy to heat the body, compared to other creatures.

Scientists create models to explain how dinosaurs such as the long-necked sauropods may have up to 60 tons weight. Weight is about eight times heavier African elephant, the animals most at the moment.

Main factors that cause the size of a vertebrata is the availability of food and how animals use the energy, said researcher Brian K McNab, paleontologist at the University of Florida.

For example a big elephant can eat grass because of the relatively more available, as compared to a flower essence is consumed by birds or bees.


Many facts about the life of a snake so incredible. Snake is able to survive for months without eating. Snakes can fly with a form letter S. Snake can also take target in the human eye straigthly.

Snakes can survive not eating for months, with how burning fat. Marshall McCue of the University of Arkansas with the research does not provide food to the 62 kinds of snakes for six months.

McCue and colleagues have found snakes are able to reduce metabolic rate to survive, some of them were up to 72%. Stunning even without eating, the snake can still elongate body. "Animals do this to the reduction of energy level is lower," McCue said.

While the snake eat a certain type of children who are not able to survive. Research found, mother snakes eat about 11% of the eggs and the children who died. Why snakes do that? Appeared to survive for the mother.

"Snake Rattlesnake female children take to restore the energy after the birth without the need for hunting, a dangerous activity that requires time and great effort," said Estrella Mocino and Kirk Setser, researchers at the University of Granada in Spain.

While there is a serpent that is capable of eating other snakes that body longer. How do snakes do it? To solve the mystery of the old, Kate Jackson from the University of Toronto and colleagues have an explanation.

In research they found the victim after the snake swallowed, such as the gut is pressed akordion that snakes down to the bottom of the victims and crash. If completed, the rest of the snake will spit-rest.

Snakes that live in the tree can also fly. Snakes that fly to reach the tree beside it more quickly. But it is necessary to fly a special technique.

To get the pressure of flying, snakes must be in a higher place. To get the furthest distance, snakes slim they body movement and make the letter S.

"Movement of the letter S is for stability, and they streamline its rib bones, "said Jake Socha of the University of Chicago.

While the cobra snake that is not visible spit spit. Snakes that its muscular contraction force to remove its poison gland hose up to 2 meters.

If the eye of the neurotoxin can cause blindness in humans. Research in 2005 on the snake was deliberately targeting the eye with they spit. And not only that, the poison can spray out with geometric pattern, so that the right eye. Wow!.

Why Humans blinking they eyes ?

Human eye blink often. To find out why blinking, research done in the eight volunteers with the impression watching the comedy Mr. Bean.

Researchers have found they blinking in the same time. While it does not happen when the background watching the video, or listen to audio books from Harry Potter.

"People are not aware of time searching for the right to blinking, minimizing to lose information," said Dr Tamami Nakano from Tokyo University who is conducting the research.

Winking is done between 100 to 150 milliseconds. And automatically blinking 10 to 15 times in a minute to moisten and to provide oxygen to the cornea.

During blinking, there is no visual input and no light. But people can still consciously recognize things when in the dark.

"Winking sikronisasi required when the object road stories," said Dr Nakano, the founder who publish in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

Dr Nakano choose Rowan Atkinson as the story easy to understand without the need to support voice.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Why dogs bark ?

"We think a dog is barking because of internal conflict. Especially home dogs bark more often because it is in conflict situations, "said Kathryn Lord from the University of Massachusetts.

This started happening since the start of dog in the vicinity of the trash people on the 8000 to 10,000 years ago. In the framework of evolution, dogs are able to close and overcome human fear. Dogs who fear the man eventually disappear, while the less afraid to get food and survive and bear pinak.

"For a dog who lived in the human environment, they feel a sense of curious and amazed if the need to approach or flee if you see strange beings. This lead to conflict and cause barking, "he said.

In the case of technical research to identify the eight parameters in three categories. In their view, not the barking of communication to convey messages. Bark that does not have meaning and be done with various bianatang different voice.

"Even birds bark also include other mammals, baboon, monkey deer also bark. Overall menggongong if in conflict situations, "says the Lord.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

the secret life until 100 years, u want ?

Research has found that by reducing the calories by 30% or up to a little above the level of lack of nutrition can reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer and increase up to half the age of life.

Diet eskstrim it can provide an additional 25 years the average age of UK citizens living that can reach 100 years. Despite the increase in life expectancy that need to cost much.

Each individual must make a special diet, especially of protein susu or corn oil. To create conditions that some level of malnutrition and we need many vitamins and mineral supplements.

Prediction is obtained from the research for 20 years against the monkey is the animal most similar to humans. Research shows that the effect of dietary calories in the health and life expectancy.

Scientists have found a higher power of life with monkey-calorie diet, three times higher than normal. This is believed to apply the same in humans.

The team from the University of Wisconsin has published the findings in the journal Science research started in 1989. Previous to the influence of diet on the rat and the effect on the larger mammals.